Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Stay at Home

Today is my first day to myself in a while.  We’ve been at my family’s for over a week and then traveling home.  Today though, it’s just the beagle and me.  I woke up early but still got eight hours of sleep.  Usually, I fall back asleep after my boyfriend leaves for work but the combination of him making me laugh so hard this morning (I think he is funniest in the morning) and sleeping so well being back in our own bed, I got up and started with making a plan for the day.  

Right now, I am making a soup for dinner.  The soup is from The Spice Spoon (really glad I found this blog!).  I realized we had a ton of chana dal in the pantry and in line with my resolutions, I am trying to declutter the house.  This is much easier with less in the house but unfortunately we just brought home a car full of new stuff from home (mostly kitchen stuff).  So, I decided to use the chana dal for a spicy soup. 

I love being able to do grocery shopping and cook during the day but it does make me feel really housewife-ish, which I don’t like.  While the soup is heating up and before I start tackling organizing the basement, I thought I would post- which I forgot to include blogging more regularly in my resolutions!

Earlier, the beagle and I went on a walk in the park near our house.  I thought she would have fun watching all the geese but she ignored them.  However, she was fascinated by the people sledding and got very excited.  I realized I should bring my new camera to the park with me.  I really want to get in the habit of taking more pictures!

Tonight, my boyfriend and I are going to go the gym together though I wish I had gone this morning.  I hate working out in the evening.  Another plus of vacation is going to the gym in the morning when there are only a few people there.  Again, it feels a little like I’m a stay-at-home person but its nice doing things while most people are out of the way at work.

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